Direct: 724-672-5521

Founder & Chief Executive Director

Jessica Jane was set on fire with determination to end what is happening to the children in the USA. She has seen the trauma firsthand, and it has affected her to the point she will spend the rest of her life illuminating the issues. Bravehearts originated from the movie, it is the concept that ONE man stood up and said, “YOU WILL NOT HAVE OUR WOMEN AND CHILDREN”, he went city to city collecting volunteers and set the women and children free.

(Minus the violence part of it) this is exactly what Jane has set out to do. In just three months she formed the first ever Non-Profit in her county that is illuminating these issues and enacting real awareness, education and change.

With the help from two of her biggest Tik Tok supporters Heather & Kim, she was able to go through with the filing of the Non-Profit and make it official. Everything Jane did in her local community was done face to face, the contacts she made, and the support was done the old-fashioned way: Face to Face and genuine human connections.

While she does not condone what goes on regarding Tik Tok, it is not in the USA and the Federal Government has moved quickly to ban this app.

She will forever stand firmly with ANTI META products and promote off device living in all facets of life. Meta has allowed CSAM, and a plethora of other cyber-crimes go on for far too long. NONE of the “good” that could come from SM outweighs even ONE child being abused, sold, or tortured.

When you tell the general public what is happening with the Children right here in the USA on FACEBOOK, INSTAGRAM AND WHATS APP....... and you ask them, beg them rather to please stop using those platforms and their automatic reaction without hesitation is “ no, that’s how we reach and communicate with everyone” that right there is your sign that we are already living in an “ irobot” world.

A world where the majority of the public would choose convenience of the machines over the innocent babies, children & teens being hurt, recorded and sold on the very same platform they won’t give up. No other words to describe that than “programmed and desensitized”
— Jessica Jane


PART 3 of discovery this was in the very beginning of research. PROFANITY 18+

Write your OWN story, don’t let ARTIFICIAL intelligence do it for you.
— Jane West
  • Heather M.


    Heather has been a firm support for Jane from the very beginning. She teamed up right away and started forming a plan unlike any other to ensure we make changes regarding the most helpless, the Children. Heather answers every time she is asked for help, and is always ready with resources and research to back up our findings.

  • Kim G.


    Kim alongside Heather has been a firm support for Jane from the very start. She is always providing research, working late nights with both founders. Providing resources and connections to propel our mission forward. Kim has shared many laughs and cries with Jane and shares the same passion as Heather and Jane.

Heather M.

After years of personal development and a newfound passion to help others, she learned about the atrocities that were being committed against our children. Making a commitment from that day forward to do everything possible for the children experiencing abuse in all aspects. Shortly after making the goal her reality was shattered when finding out how broken our system for supporting children was.

After endless hours of research and scanning social media for support and for likeminded individuals sharing the same outcome, she came across a TikTok creator that shared her frustrations. It was the first time she had encountered someone who was also outraged by the acts that were being committed on children and by the lack of support or action by the system that was in place to protect them. With what could only be described as fate, beginning stages of collaboration and friendship grew. Right away there was an increasing realization that if we were going to make change then we had to do what had never done before. We had to educate and open the eyes of as many people as possible not only to bring awareness but to inevitably prevent the crimes against children from happening

Kim G.

Since 2016, when Kimberly Goodwin’s youngest child became old enough to drive, she felt she was made for more. She’s worked full time her entire adult life in Supply Chain and Business Services as well as being a single mother of two. Her entire life revolved around her children, and suddenly she had a lot of free time on her hands. Initially, she took up specialty training to gain certificates in a variety of areas through her employer.

In February 2024, Kimberly went on a Leaders Retreat with some church members to Myrtle Beach, SC. It was there that she learned about Sextortion and the foundation. She had no idea what to do with that information, so she tucked it away. About a month later, she came across a random post on TikTok where the creator was completely distraught over what she’d seen and how it was being ignored and permitted. Children were being violated in plain sight and NO ONE was doing a single thing to help them. The creator’s raw emotions were so evident and visceral that Kimberly couldn’t just swipe past. That very night Kimberly began talking with the creator and ideas began to swirl. Over the past several months these ideas have come to fruition in Eyes Wide Shut.