“You’ve Got (REAL) Mail!”


We are bringing the excitement back into …….

“You’ve Got Mail”

To align with our founding principles, we are launching a real mail newsletter instead of the typical “spam email newsletters” that we are all flooded with. The real mail newsletter will go out once a month, and highlight the previous months progress, efforts, changes, events, announcements, and local stories. We will also feature our sponsors, as well as local supports.

We have purchased hand painted watercolor post cards made by a local artist to launch these efforts. Each month the newsletter will be featuring and highlighting a local small, owned business and incorporating local artists for special projects in line with our mission.

Personalization, human interaction, humans in the community working together to bring a dream to reality. This is what Eyes Wide Shut Illuminating the hidden fight for Children’s rights is founded in.

Do you remember how exciting it use to be to hear “you’ve got mail”, the luster and excitement has long since faded. Take a walk outside, crack open your mailbox, and look for the locally crafted, designed, & written newsletter. Step away from the small screen that has consumed our lives for far too long.

Now you’ve got real mail to look forward to, something different from the day-to-day routine of the AI take over.

Please fill out the form below to receive the real mail newsletter. NO COST, but donations are helpful.