We need MEN, we need WARRIORS.

We don’t use social media for advocacy. We use our voices and get in front of other humans in REAL LIFE. A different approach much needed to combat these issues head on.

Real Humans helping real humans.

Pictured below speaking engagements and online safety seminar with students.

(Images removed for privacy and safety)

It's important for men in the community to take initiative, raise their voices, and embrace their roles as natural protectors. We need ALL humans to set aside our differences and unite to save the Children of the USA. They need heroes, people who aren’t afraid to call everyone out on their bulls***. We can unite for the Children. Its time long long overdue that we stand and speak loudly for the Children. They deserve visibility, until the Children are protected and put first, nothing else will come correct.

We have a need for volunteers and works of action in the following areas. There are face to face areas but also items that can be done from the comfort of your home.

Research and Development

Events Coordinator

Literature Coordinator

Partner & Sponsor Liaison

Community Outreach

Curbside Awareness Coordinator and volunteers

Visibility and Branding Coordinator

Resource Liason

Retired Counselor specializing in CSAM

Video & Photographer

Document Liason

Boots on the Ground Team

Media Outreach Team

Public Speaking Team

and much more……….