Children can’t DREAM BIG, until ADULTS stop the nightmares!


Hands on is the best approach for monitoring gaming, cell phones, social media accounts, and devices. Parental settings are not full proof, the one way that will safeguard your Children is by being involved in their activities in the digital world. Let’s be real, when you hand your Child a device you are handing them the key to the entire world. Take the time to put the devices down as adults and get to know how your Children are spending their time. (On Devices that we so blindly entrust their lives with.) We wouldn’t let our Children eat chips and cookies all day, why do we think it’s normal to allow them to live on a device?

Phones in Schools NY Times Article & WHY it is a fast growing problem!


Anxiety and stress from social media can be eliminated completely by not being on it. We understand this isn’t realistic with our youth (or adults) today, so we propose a “mental health balanced diet”, (much like a food pyramid.) Trying to keep up with everyone else is exhausting and a waste of time. Embrace yourself, your family and your values, in the end that’s all that matters. Learn how to start making positive changes off devices and leading by example in our communities. This is the start of a new trend, one everyone should want to start.

We can lead by example in our communities, families, and schools; by demonstrating we don't need social media or ISPs to live successful and satisfied lives. By championing a balanced mental health diet and breaking free from device addiction, we are setting a new trend!

Sextortion is happening everywhere, YES even here! Please click on the article or title to be taken to USA Today’s video regarding a local case in PA of a child that has been forever silenced due to sextortion.




We Illuminate the blind spots

Eyes Wide Shut Inc Illuminating the hidden fight for Children’s Rights

  • We educate, train, spread awareness, and provide solutions to break the addiction of social media and ISP’s.

  • We focus only on facts and Children’s basic fundamental human rights.

  • We expose BIG TECH and urge prompt action is taken, Click on the petitions with zero action.

  • We know how to solve these issues.

  • We speak for the Children, the ones who can’t speak.


We Expose the issues & share solutions

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.
— Margaret Mead
Let us remember: ONE book, one pen, ONE CHILD, and one teacher can change the world.
— Malala Yousafzai
Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, & the passion to reach for the stars, to change the world.
— Harriet Tubman


Illuminating the hidden fight for Children’s Rights, Inc.

SIGN UP FOR OUR “ Real Mail” News Letter!

We distribute a real publication once a month, meaning you will get a physical Newsletter in the mail! This is where you will read stories & follow the progress and growth we have made in the previous month. We will also have our listed events available in the Real Mail publication. We also have listed in this publication, other educational seminars available to the public in the local community. Click HERE to register for the Real Mail news letter.

At our events we will always have a “Write your OWN story, don’t let ARTIFICIAL intelligence do it for you” side of our table with multiple journals. You will open a journal & there is a topic to write about for little humans. They will write a sentence a paragraph or a page, however much they want and initial it. Once all of the journals are filled, we will publish this into one book. A book that will be a series of short stories written by little humans.

A big part of our mission is promoting healthy off device hobbies, activities and new “norms” of living. This is our “O.D.” branch. We promote “off device” living as much as possible. (It’s a big dream, we are well aware.) We are hoping if enough of us promote “off device” living it will become the new “trend” and in turn stimulate the economy and bring revenue back to LOCAL owned HUMAN operated businesses in your LOCAL communities.

This is NO COST to you; donations are welcome but not required.

Illuminate & Expose


Preventative action is the foundation of what we believe in and practice. We expose the blind spots in communities lacking in education and awareness regarding Children’s rights, and the crimes committed against them.

We host seminars for adults only as well as children, speaking engagements, events, and curbside awareness. We are also anti- meta products and promote “off device” living in every aspect we can as it is a proven addiction. See our “O.D.” section for addiction and mental health for the facts.

(Images were removed for privacy and safety.)


Click each area of focus below to learn more about our efforts and our mission.

  • O.D. is our " Off Device" living branch where we focus on bringing real awareness, inclusion and determination in regards to the addiction side of ISP'S and social media. We promote volunteer work, and healthier alternatives than sitting and scrolling on a phone.

    We focus on mental health & our aim is to show facts, and present solutions how to build stronger children and communities with fundamental life skills.

    This is closely linked to the risks and health issues affecting our children on social media. Social media platforms and gaming systems are engineered to captivate not just children but adults too. We make it a point to engage with employees during safety meetings at their workplaces. The shift towards responsible screen time must involve adults as much as it does children. We recommend to check out tips on screen time addiction.

  • Saving Children Offering Protection & Education

    Scope is the part of our organization that goes into the schools, community events, speaking engagements, borough meetings, town halls, & school board meetings.

    We stay updated with the latest educational resources and professional training to provide our children with the most current information on cybercrimes. We equip the children with the tools they need to protect themselves from these dangers. The training materials and resources utilized are provided by NCMEC. For links and further information on these materials, please refer to our contact page. You can also book speaking engagements, or educational seminars.

  • The concept of " ONE"

    It takes ONE person to make a difference; one voice to initiate change. Then, we can gather volunteers in every city, every state, throughout our country. Bravehearts is the core of this organization, embodying the belief and strength that propel our mission forward. It all started because one individual chose to speak out. Bravehearts actively reaches out to businesses, makes continuous phone calls, sends emails, and follows up diligently to advocate for children. We are the hero’s that the children have been crying out for. Until children are prioritized and safeguarded in our country, true progress for any other issue cannot be achieved. When organizations can do better, we illuminate the improvements needed.

    When they fail to respond to calls and emails yet profess to advocate for children, we must make our presence known and communicate the necessity for them to enhance their accessibility.

We are ILLUMINATING the CHILDREN, their natural born BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS, & the egregious acts being committed against them. We are exposing areas in communities needing improved upon for the benefit of the CHILDREN.

Children are to be at the top of the priority list, it is evident in the United States they are not. That is what Eyes Wide Shut is determined to change.



    We speak and present only what we have researched and is irrefutable. We utilize only reliable resources and well-established Children’s Rights professionals.

  • Children's Rights

    We focus on the basic fundamental human rights we are inherently born with. Right to privacy, prevention from harm to name a few. Children’s Rights are not recognized or upheld in the U.S.A. as strongly as you’d assume.

  • Right or Wrong

    A simple concept that does not have any gray. Should Children be subjected to adult nudity and graphic content while utilizing social media? Should Children be recorded being assaulted then sold on social media platforms?


It does not matter if you are, you are still welcome! We simply eliminate the possibilities of anything false or confusing. We want to encourage everyone to set our differences aside when it comes to religion and politics and unite regarding the irrefutable indifference regarding the Children of our Country.

We are not ANTI-TECH. We are ANTI-META products. We do encourage ALL to embrace “off device” living. The cyber crimes, predators and abuse are not the only dangers regarding ISP’s and gaming systems. Mental health and addiction are proven to be the biggest threat to our youth right now regarding ISP’S and gaming. It is a proven addiction and releases the same dopamine in the brain that heroine does. See this 25 page report issued by the Attorney Surgeon general regarding the mental health affects.

OR simply ask your toddler, or teen to put their phone or game down, you will clearly see the addiction.

It is important to note we are not affiliated, associated or aligned with any type of religion, religious group or organization, or any religious beliefs or opinions.

We focus only on the facts, no opinions or made-up ideologies.

It is also important to note we are not affiliated, associated or aligned with any type of political party, belief, organizations, groups or opinions.

We focus only on the FACTS, no opinions, confusion or division.



Pictured: A child under the age of 3 years old, a bottle on the table, along with a device in their hand throughout the entire duration of the meal. A child like this is at risk for “tech neck” along with developmental issues, add, obesity, anxiety, depression, sleep disorders, and addiction.

Pictured: A child under the age of 4 years old at an outdoor activity and on a device. Parents on devices as well. While the duration was under two hours it is an example of how addicted we are.

Tips; leave devices in the car at outdoor activities, better yet leave devices at home. Designate a “device day”. Practice eating meals WITHOUT devices. We are not suggesting to go back to the “ stone age” but we are asking to be aware of the risks with living on devices, and to please make efforts to minimize the usage.

Devices - “The new babysitter, parent and educator. side effects include but are not limited to”

The addiction of ISP’s

We recommend checking out “The Social Dilemma” on Netflix.