One of our main Goals and Missions at Eyes Wide Shut Illuminating the hidden fight for Children’s rights, is uniting organizations within the communities. Working together and sharing resources, and knowledge. Support in the form of voices & bodies is one of the best ways we can combat these issues. This page is who we support & recommend, and who have been equally supportive of our efforts. These organizations answer the phone, respond to emails, and have proven to put Children First while having only their best interest at heart.

Uniting together for the same goal: Protecting the Children, putting Children at the top of the priority list, and building a stronger community.



    Unchained at last was one of the two only non-profits that called us back during our search for help for Children’s Rights. UNCHAINEDATLAST has made MONUMENTAL changes in the United States of America regarding legislation being advocated to change the age limits of marriage. Please go support this organization and tell everyone CHILD MARRIAGE is still LEGAL in the USA. California is their current Chain In event to protest out side of their court house as Senator Ash Kalra is blocking the bill to end Child marriage. Click here for the event details.


    NCMEC is one of the main supports we have had through our efforts. They have supplied our organization with resources, training and materials. Spent multiple hours on conference calls answering questions and have always been willing to help and support in all we do. Please use this resource to report any CSAM material you come across, please also utilize their resources and educational materials for your community.

  • Sages Army


    The founder of Eyes Wide Shut has a close love and appreciation for organizations helping those struggling with addiction. She has personal experience losing a loved one to substance abuse. Sages Army is an established and well-respected resource for the community, and Jessica Jane is an avid supporter. Please visit their website to learn more. SM/ISP’s is a proven addiction.

  • PFLAG Greensburg Chapter

    PFLAG is an important part of our community and fight for protections of our little humans. This organization unites the community, provides resources for those needing help regarding safety and inclusiveness of the LGBQT community. An alarmingly high number of children who experience SA are in the LGBQT community. While many have different opinions regarding the LGBQT community we can all agree SA can happen to anyone and ALL humans deserve protection and preventative action!


    Step up is a local community resource that shares the same passion, dedication, and commitment to building a stronger community. Step up is actively involved in bettering the children, parents and businesses mental health and a multitude of other aspects. The foundation of our communities is built stronger with resources like Step up, striving to educate and helping in every area they are able.

  • CSAY

    CSAY is dedicated to combining organizations for the overall betterment of our community. They focus in addiction prevention and assisting the community with resources, events, speaking engagements and much more. They are a resource with a wealth of knowledge and experience working with the same mission and goals in keeping children safe and educating the community with preventative measures.

  • Less than 3 holds a special place in our hearts and minds. This organization has experienced the loss of a loved one to sextortion. They turned their loss into this organization. They are committed to educating children and adults on the cyber-crimes happening here.

The below is an overview of Sextortion, please click HERE to be directed to the source. (NCMEC )

Sextortion is a form of child sexual exploitation where children are threatened or blackmailed, most often with the possibility of sharing with the public a nude or sexual images of them, by a person who demands additional sexual content, sexual activity or money from the child. This crime may happen when a child has shared an image with someone they thought they knew or trusted, but in many cases they are targeted by an individual they met online who obtained a sexual image from the child through deceit, coercion, or some other method. In many cases, the blackmailers may have stolen or taken images of another person and they are communicating through a fake account. The blackmailer may have sent images as well.

NCMEC has seen a dramatic increase in sextortion cases being reported to our CyberTipline, especially financial sextortion where the offender demands money from the child. Teenage boys have been the most common targets in these recent cases.

  • National Coalition to End Child Marriage in the UNITED STATES

    Eyes Wide Shut Illuminating the hidden fight for Children’s Rights is a proud member of this coalition. We encourage all to explore this coalition as well as Unchained at Last. Their efforts are proving to be making monumental changes to stop forced child marriages.

  • Marriage Age Limits in the USA

    This information is provided by Unchained at Last.

    California legal age requirement for marriage is ZERO.

    New Mexico age requirement for marriage is ZERO.

    Oklahoma legal age requirement for marriage is ZERO.

    Mississippi legal age requirement for marriage is ZERO.